The overall goal of this grant is to strengthen the environmental justice movement in South Africa.
The overall goal of this grant is to develop conscientised, organised youth as enablers of equal, just, and quality education. To do this, EE works towards progressive reforms in policy and practice, material change at individual schools, and politicised, informed, motivated, activists in school communities across South Africa
The overall goal of this grant is universal access to quality early childhood care and education and the enjoyment of quality and inclusive basic education, resulting in improved learning outcomes for marginalised young people.
The overall goal of this grant is to realise the socio-economic rights of marginalised communities through improved access to services, more responsive and accountable local government, and more active and informed citizen participation in public life.
The overall goal of this grant is to use human rights to transform the Free State Province towards justice, poverty alleviation, and improved access to basic services. |
The overall goal of this grant is to encourage Corporate South Africa to exercise its power to combat climate change and inequality, contributing to an inclusive, sustainable economy which prioritises social justice, and the well-being of all. |