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About Us

The RAITH Foundation was registered as a Trust in March 2001. It is a Non-Profit Organisation and has tax-exempt status. The Foundation is privately funded, not politically affiliated and does not raise funds from the public.

The RAITH Foundation is concerned that systemic injustice and unfairness prevail in South Africa and seeks effective and lasting solutions, which address this at its roots. Since 2010, the Foundation has been implementing a programme of social justice grant-making. For the Foundation, implicit in the notion of social justice is the issue of equity and particularly equitable access to resources. Our definition is thus closely aligned to principles of fairness and dignity.

Our Vision

A fair, just, and democratic society with dignity for all
In the first 10 years of implementing a social justice grant-making programme, RAITH supported projects that: empower and provide access to justice for marginalised people, improve governance (especially at a local level) and promote transparency through the media and community participation. We believe government and the corporate sector have a major role to play in advancing social justice and should be held accountable when they fail to do so.

Following a strategic review in 2020, the Foundation re-committed itself to improved, strategic grant-making in the social justice space, with an emphasis on sustainability of its grantees and the sector more broadly.

The Foundation is spending-down and aims to close its doors in 2036.

Our Values

The Foundation is guided by and endeavours to uphold the following values: respect and promotion of human dignity; rejection of discrimination and unfairness in all their forms; openness and accountability of all institutions of state, civil society and private sector; participation, engagement and debate in all sectors of society.

In addition, we value the following qualities in ourselves and our partners:
• mutually empowering relationships which seek to address power inequalities
• compassion and humility
• innovation
• creativity and courage
• passion
• committed and transformative leadership

Our Team

Audrey Elster
Executive Director
Fatima Shabodien
Strategy Director
Karene Ponde
Grants Manager
Anzio Jacobs
Programme Officer
Faatimah Jogee
Grants Officer
Zama Mcnube
Admin Assistant
Bridget Ndobe
Programme Administrator

Our Team

The RAITH team is small, with a diverse set of skills, many years of grant-making experience and a strong commitment to social justice.
Anzio Jacobs
Programme Officer
Audrey Elster
Executive Director
Bridget Ndobe
Programme Administrator
Faatimah Jogee
Grants Officer
Fatima Shabodien
Strategy Director
Karene Ponde
Grants Manager
Zamalotshwa Mcnube
Admin Assistant

Our Team

The RAITH team is small, with a diverse set of skills, many years of grant-making experience and a strong commitment to social justice.
Audrey Elster
Executive Director
Karene Ponde
Programme Manager
Bridget Ndobe
Operations Manager
Ntombizethu Gwala
Programme Administrator
Nathi Fono
Operations Administrator
Hermine Engel
Vonani Maluleke
Admin Assistant