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RAITH is a South African funder that provides grants to NGOs and Universities. Grants vary in size and can be completed over a short time frame or a maximum of 3 years.

Please note, RAITH funds across all thematic areas in the social justice space (e.g., environment, health, education etc.) as they relate to the achievement of our medium term outcomes, specifically:

• Holding those with power accountable for the fair and just exercise of that power where it affects the marginalised and vulnerable; and/or
• Enhancing the ability of the marginalised and vulnerable to hold those with power accountable for the fair and just exercise of that power.
• Informing and engaging society in realising social justice

We offer the following types of grants:
• Core Grants
• Discretionary Project Grants
• Emergency Project Grants
• Institutional Development Project Grants

To qualify for any of these grants you must be a social justice organisation working towards systemic change and aligned to RAITH’s medium-term outcomes outlined above. Applications are made through an online portal – Fluxx. For more information on each grant type, see below
RAITH is a South African funder that provides grants to NGOs and Universities. Grants vary in size and can be completed over a short time frame or a maximum of 3 years.

Please note, RAITH funds across all thematic areas in the social justice space (e.g., environment, health, education etc.) as they relate to the achievement of our medium term outcomes, specifically:

• Holding those with power accountable for the fair and just exercise of that power where it affects the marginalised and vulnerable; and/or
• Enhancing the ability of the marginalised and vulnerable to hold those with power accountable for the fair and just exercise of that power.
• Informing and engaging society in realising social justice

We offer the following types of grants:
• Regular Core Grants
• Discretionary Core Grants
• Emergency Project Grants
• Institutional Development Project Grants

Applications are made through an online portal – Fluxx. For more information on each grant type, see below.

Please note:

• Each year, the Fluxx portal is open from January to end April for Core grant applications and from January to end June for Institutional Development and Discretionary grant applications
• Applications for Emergency grants can be submitted at any time of the year.
• The Foundation does reference checking of all new applications.
• The decision with regard to all applications for funding is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

Core Grants

The Foundation funds core grants of up to 3 years. There are no automatic re-grants. Each grant application is considered on its merits. Approval of these grants is at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Discretionary Projects Grants

Discretionary grants are provided for support to the sector for strategic interventions. These are small, once off, project grants up to a maximum of R100,000 for a one year period. Approval of these grants is at the discretion of the Executive Director. Preference will be given to applicants who meet the funding criteria and who have not received these grants from RAITH before.

Emergency Project Grants

The Foundation provides emergency funding in the following cases and within the context of our overall goal:

• If the issue to be addressed requires an immediate response
• If the request is as a result of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the applicant
• If the issue is not addressed immediately, this would damage RAITH’s long-term goal or cause immediate irreparable harm to the achievement of that goal

Emergency applications can be submitted for any amount but the emergency intervention should be completed within a short time-frame. Approval of these grants is at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Litigation Support Grants

These grants are provided in support of public interest litigation. Applications can be submitted for any amount and for a period next exceeding three years. Each grant application is considered on its merits. Approval of these grants is at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Institutional Development Project Grants

Institutional development grants are once off project grants of up to a maximum of R100 000. These grants are for any institutional strengthening intervention aimed at making the organisation itself more sustainable. Approval of these grants is at the discretion of the Executive Director. Preference will be given to applicants who meet the funding criteria and who have not received these grants from RAITH before.

Grant Application Processes

Find below guidelines for applying for each of the above grants. Please follow these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
Core grant application process
Where applicant already has RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Log in to
2. Proceed to “Information” tab.
3. Select “Apply for Core Grant.”
4. Complete the first part of the application form.
5. If the application does not qualify for funding at this first stage, the applicant will receive a decline notification.
6. If, the application potentially qualifies for funding, the application will complete the final stage of the application.
7. After review of final application the RAITH office will present the application to the meeting of the RAITH Board in September of each year and it is either approved or declined.
8. If the application is approved, the RAITH office will complete a verification of institutional and financial information and once the verification is concluded satisfactorily, the contract will be signed.
Where applicant does not have RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Proceed to and complete Eligibility Quiz. Select: “Apply for Core Funding.”
2. Should the applicant fulfil the eligibility criteria, applicant then completes registration.
3. Once registration details are received, follow application process outlined above.
Discretionary project grant application process
Where applicant already has RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Log in to
2. Proceed to “Information” tab.
3. Select “Apply for Emergency/Discretionary/Institutional Development grant”.
4. Complete the application form and select “Discretionary grant” under “Grant Type”.
5. If the application does not qualify for funding at this first stage, the applicant will receive a decline notification.
6. If, in the view of the Executive Director the application qualifies for funding, the application will be approved and applicant completes final part of the application form.
7. Once the full application is received, the funding contract will be signed.
Where applicant does not have RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Proceed to and completes Eligibility Quiz. Select: “Apply for Project Funding.”
2. Should the applicant fulfil the eligibility criteria, applicant then completes registration
3. Once registration details are received, follow application process outlined above.
Emergency project grant application process
Where applicant already has RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Log in to
2. Proceed to “Information” tab
3. Select “Apply for Emergency/Discretionary/Institutional Development grant”
4. Complete the application form and select “Emergency grant” under “Grant Type”
5. If, the application potentially qualifies for funding, the application will be presented to the RAITH Board for funding consideration.
6. If declined by the RAITH Board, the applicant will receive a decline notification.
7. If approved by the RAITH Board, funding contract will be signed.
Where applicant does not have RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Proceed to and completes Eligibility Quiz. Select: “Apply for Project Funding.”
2. Should the applicant fulfil the eligibility criteria, applicant then completes registration
3. Once registration details are received, follow application process outlined above.
Litigation support grant application process
If you wish to apply for a litigation support grant please email to request for an application form to complete and submit.
Institutional Development project grant application process
Where applicant already has RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Log in to
2. Proceed to “Information” tab
3. Select “Apply for Emergency/Discretionary/Institutional Development grant”
4. Complete the application form and select “Institutional Development grant” under “Grant Type”
5. If the application does not qualify for funding, the applicant will receive a decline notification.
6. If, in the view of the Executive Director the application qualifies for funding, the application will be approved and funding contract signed.
Where applicant does not have RAITH Fluxx login details:
1. Proceed to and completes Eligibility Quiz. Select: “Apply for Project Funding.”
2. Should the applicant fulfil the eligibility criteria, applicant then completes registration
3. Once registration details are received, follow application process outlined above.